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                                                                    Standard 4: Resources and Support Systems

The school has resources and provides services that support its purpose and direction to ensure success for all students.

 4.1  West Gadsden High School attracts and retains highly qualified teachers. Policies and procedures are designed to encourage teacher retention based upon qualifications and performance. The School Leadership Team ensures that staff members meet governing body requirements and possess appropriate expertise for their role in the school.   There are currently 33 teachers on the faculty of WGHS.  ? hold Masters degrees or higher and ? are identified as highly qualified.  The current student to teacher ratio at WGHS is 22 to 1. 

New teachers attend an orientation at the district level. All incoming teachers are assigned a head mentor in their department. Teachers receive feedback from peer and administrative observations upon which to reflect and assist in driving instruction. 

 4.2  West Gadsden High School's general budget is allocated through differing central office funding sources including the School Improvement Grant. The Principal, in collaboration with the Educational Transformation Office and School Improvement Grant Coordinator, determines the best use for these funds based upon student/curriculum needs. There is a request and purchase order process through which school funds can be received and spent by faculty members as a financial checks and balances. Each club/organization maintains individual budgets that are used to support their initiatives. Along with band and athletic funds, over 10,000+ dollars are raised annually by inside sources. Annually, grants are sought that would enhance the financial budget to support the school's vision.

 West Gadsden High School students receive a minimum of a 50 minute instructional period for seven periods each day.  This enables the students to receive 350 minutes of highly qualified instruction daily.

4.3 West Gadsden High School is highly functional in ensuring that the facilities, services, and equipment are safe and orderly. Faculty and staff are to report to the office any maintenance concerns which are then translated to a district-wide system for needed repair response if needed. The custodial staff checks regularly the areas which they service to make sure that all lighting and cleanliness issues are addressed. Annual, major maintenance issues are addressed through budgeting. Each month, Crisis response drills (i.e., fire drills, Code Red Lockdown, hurricane/tornado procedures and bomb threat evacuations) with documentation are performed with proper emergency response personnel notified.  Inspections of safety equipment are documented. Space issues are addressed as needs/concerns arise.

4.4 & 4.5  WGHS has multiple avenues in place to communicate with and receive information from students and school personnel about students and their progress.   All stakeholders are able to communicate by e-mail or telephone with school officials.  Students' grades are posted on an online gradebook, Engrade, for parents to view their child's grades, and some teachers create an online site for students and parents to keep up with students' class responsibilities.  Both of these sites are available from the school's website, which is updated regularly to show the most current information.  Our phone messaging system is used to call parents with announcements.  Parents also receive informational letters and newspapers the first day of school, and each student has an agenda with a student handbook.  We often have articles recognizing student achievement in local newspapers and post academic achievements on our school website.  The digital marquee is updated regularly to reflect important happenings and events at WGHS.

While some of the teachers integrate the Newspapers in Education program to assist as a media resource, many of the teachers at WGHS use the comprehensive district technology component to aid in instruction.  FCAT Explorer and Florida Achieves are both computer sites that assist in providing additional monitoring systems for the Florida Comprehensive Achievement Test.  OdysseyWare is used to provide instruction for those students desiring to recover credits unearned from the previous academic year.  The current set-up of WGHS offers two designated computer labs, and each individual teacher classroom has a SmartBoard, document camera, mounted projector, and a response system.  

 4.6 & 4.7  The process West Gadsden High School uses to ensure and monitor that each student gets the counseling, appraisal, mentoring, staff consulting, referral, and educational and career planning she/he needs is highly functional. In the assigned 1st period class, students receive comprehensive guidance activities that allow them to receive materials, handbooks, agendas, school information, etc.   Student/teacher meetings (with the presence of an administrator when requested) are held with students who are exhibiting at-risk indicators.  Parent meetings are also scheduled to discuss concerns regarding individual expectations. Students receive ACT prep meetings and have FLVS, AP, and dual enrollment classes.  West Gadsden High School also offers the JROTC program as well as Credit Recovery. 

 West Gadsden High School's process used to identify students with special needs is considered operational. Students have individualized IEP plans and 504 Plans. Each teacher is given a copy of these plans and students are highlighted in lesson plans and rolls to give students all accommodations needed. Frequent emails are sent as reminders of faculty obligations to those receiving these services. Student's scores on tests are considered when deciding which options and interventions are best for the students.

                                                                                Examples and Documentation

High School Lab Schedule:[1].pdf

Middle School Lab Schedule:[1].pdf

Master Schedule:

Gadsden County School Bus Evacuation:

Panther Pride Mentoring Program: